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Emacs On Windows

29 Apr 2014

  1. Download Emacs and extract to C:\emacs You'll end up with something like:

  2. Set up the HOME environment variable. This is where your .emacs file and .emacs.d directory will go.

  3. Create the folder packages inside .emacs.d.

  4. Emacs' load-path variable specifies the load path. Check it with C-h v load-path.

  5. Add regedit Key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/Edit with Emacs/command] with the default value "C:\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe" %1

  6. Add a shortcut to C:\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe called emacs, inside C:\Windows. Make sure that it says "Start in: C:\users\destradaa"

  7. Markdown mode: download markdown-mode.el and put it inside ~/.emacs.d/packages/.

  8. Auto complete mode: download the zip, extract it and load-file the file etc/install.el.

  9. If you are behind a proxy, put this in your .emacs file:

    (setq url-proxy-services '(("no_proxy" . "localhost")
                                                     ("http" . "")))
  10. Paste this in the scratchpad and do eval-buffer:

    (package-install 'helm)
    (package-install 'js2-mode)
    (package-install 'rainbow-mode)
    (package-install 'yasnippet)